Adam Strauss
from Skeltonik Hart
Rats in the armory. Ambuscades, camaraderie. So haw. Or saucy sweet. Loose colas with collateral bandages. Loss of amnesty. Officially factotum. Sewing corn unto tally. Union offed by Jack and juiced a greengage. I grosgrain hop ‘o happly colonoscopy. A room full o’ beers. A radical fletch in the spike of a pickled plum. They sew. So they drop dumb. Like lumbar glozed by ass-halved craw. Thus daddy legs the John’s long dregs. Randy jacks an apple plashes veranda. Get a gone. Get a ganglion. Laugh belies serum.
When considered strictly. When tillers rust. Therefore, limericks. Colloquies no matter the imminences collect dust. Nor should cicely and be. Taken for the hardness of that which, which eludes. Thus hazel conjures ouzel and ozone exudes. Extrudes: extradites. Lamps at the palace anathema alights. However, every facet should be understood. Switch made from root which the tumor put. At its center, after which its sender rescinded their appall. Because lambs love wolves at the Place de la Concorde.
Touch my crypts. Troll my lips. Or here, oxalis. Heresy, Maria Callas. Calumny at the parapet, ere peripheral misprision. Like an elision on a date. Licks partridge off a plate. So we our platelets, our interstellar crisis. And Bacardi—snozzles these breezes. Loop on loop lariats Atlantic’s antichrist freezes. Effectively, sneezes. Which takes I from I, which. Indexes nepenthe. Quick: quicker than that perentie. Whose tanned hides, and infrangible. Fat glisters a rivet of rock. Reverse osmosis, revelatory tariffs.
A drug. A cord. Carpal tunnels forward. Hecatomb marrows ford. Wing: its chord. Wing: floored. Wing: nepenthe, cored. Firkin and fruit. Fall’s fullest store. Extirpation at the root. Raisin where the brandy lost all clue, all claustrophobic with a view. Therefore I go like a cat. Crepuscular but not so muscular. I grow like a stalk harbors one hundred times a bug. But catalysts have shrugged. Which means and hirsute weeds scramble molts and milts. From here to here we stand in a gulf. Texas times cathexis.